
加油! 藝術健身房 / FIGHTING! ART GYM | TAMAS SZVET 湯明煦 個展

|展覽期間Exhibition Date|2021. Oct. 9 – Oct. 24

|藝術家Artist Name|TAMAS SZVET 湯明煦

|展覽地點Location|新竹市鐵道藝術村-大展場 (新竹市花園街64號 / No. 64, Garden Street, Hsinchu City)



Exhibition Concept: Art Gym is an artistic training user-friendly for all ages for the new normal, as the worldwide pandemic has changed nearly all habits and daily routines. The artworks are aiming to prepare visitors through a series of interactive works for this new chapter of our lives. The artist combines encouraging words with body movements, therefore, the interactive sculptures stimulate both body and mind.



主辦單位 Organizer:AAF財團法人智邦藝術基金會

指導單位 Guidance:新竹市政府、新竹市文化局

媒體協力 Media:Arttime藝術網