專題計畫 Projects

Art Site 新竹市鐵道藝術村

2016 年開始,智邦藝術基金會接受新竹市政府文化局委託經營新竹市鐵道藝術村,從「培育及扶植藝術家」「發展藝術教育」兩個面向出發,以藝術為媒介,為鄰近新竹市火車站,具備文化資產身份的鐵道藝術村及其周邊鄰里,注入新的活力。

每年,藝術基金會會在此扶植至少 6 位國內外藝術家,並和在地大專院校對接,進行產業相關實習合作。藝術村作為育成中心,不只是駐村藝術家們的工作室、展覽空間,同時這裡也是孵化藝術行政、展策人員實作的第一現場。同時,藝術村也肩負起藝術教育推廣的責任,嘗試拋開「白盒子」框架,結合地人才資源,合力開設工作坊、講座、課程,希望推廣藝術思維,讓大眾可以藉由藝術學習提問、探究、觀察、描述,進而比較、連結及推理。

新竹市鐵道藝術村前身為臺鐵倉庫,興建年代約在西元 1941-1950 年間,由紅磚、杉木衍架、水泥瓦構成,室內無任何支柱,充分展現屋頂衍樑結構之美。 西元 1997 年文建會推動「鐵路藝術網絡」計畫,在新竹市政府規劃下變為,3-5 號倉庫被指定為藝術村。經過數度整修後,藝術村在西元 2004 年正式開館,並於西元 2015 年被登錄為歷史建物

智邦藝術基金會相信藝術村和任何一個地方藝文單位,都是都市規劃裡重要的文化細胞。對內加強軟硬體構面的同時,和在地、甚至外地其他館舍進行串接互動,都具備正向意義 。館舍彼此間的交往,有助於文化細胞向外擴散,增加民眾參與藝術的深度及廣度,提升地方的藝文活動質量,達到文化平權,進而豐富城市的樣貌!


Art Site of Railway Warehouse, Hinchu City, was formerly known as Warehouse No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 of Taiwan Railway Company in Hsinchu Station. It was built in 1941 during the Japanese Occupation and was registered as a historical building in 2015. The wooden roof built by using the traditional jointing method has been completely preserved. The original truck platform has been converted into a platform for viewing trains. Each year the Art Site offers six positions for artist-in-residency program. In addition, Art Site also holds exhibitions, art and cultural events very often.

In order to bring about new points of view to art for the citizens and tourists in Hsinchu city, Art Site provides a studio for artists who pursue and create different kinds of arts. Artists in all fields are welcomed to apply for the six months or one year program which allows them to use the studio for creating and displaying their artworks, and for other related activities.