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楊瀚橋 Yang Han Chiao


「想起了怎麼說故事」身為創作者的楊瀚橋,曾經有一段時期是空白的。自身成長的經歷為隔代教養,童年缺乏陪伴,造成在群體生活中的不適應,然而在自我創作過程中成為一位帶『鹿』人,透過一座巨大的長頸鹿裝置『鹿鹿』走入校園,陪伴孩子們走一段認識家鄉的路。 五年多來,透過孩子們陪伴『鹿鹿』走過一個個巷口,從自身的日常生活之中發現在地文化發展軌跡,重新理解文化生成過程和涵義。從認識自我而陪伴他人。從中不僅僅滿足了對台灣文化的好奇,同時也激起了社區的互動與連結,讓大家都更喜歡自己的家鄉,陪伴著孩子們一同說故事。

Born in 1981. Yang helds an undergraduate degree in Theatrical Design and Technology in Taipei National University of the Arts and a postgraduate degree in Communications Design in Shih Chien University.

“Remembering how to tell a story.” As an artist, Yang used to have a blank period in his life. Growing up with his grandparents and lack of companionship in childhood, causing him difficulties in adapt to the society. However, he becomes a guide in his artistic practice with the huge giraffe installation “Lu lu”. They walk with kids at different schools, helping them to have a better understanding with their hometowns. For over five years, the kids and “Lu Lu” discover the traces of cultural development and reexamine its process and meaning in daily life. It begin with knowing yourself and being around other people. The project not only satisfied the curiosity towards local culture but also aroused the community’s interaction and connection at the same time. In this way, people grows a stronger bond with the land and passes the story down.
