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邱掇 Chiu Dou

1982年出生於新北林口。清華大學藝術與設計研究所創作組畢業。 專職於抽象繪畫創作。現居新竹。

創作內容以曖昧的手法呈現空間中的構成、重合、穿透與壓縮,以點線面的排列組合來表現藝術家本人生活當中種種的感知與情緒。 持續連續專職創作、舉辦展覽十年以上。曾在紐約、日本、韓國、香港、德國、荷蘭等地展出。作品亦收藏於國立台灣美術館。

Born in 1982, Linkou, New Taipei City. Graduated from Department of Arts and Design in National Tsing Hua University. He lives in Hsinchu and specialises in abstract painting.
Chiu’s work uses ambiguous technique to reveal the structure, coincide, transmittance, compression in spatial context. He arranges the combination of point-line-plane to expresses his perception and emotion in life. For over a decade, he has been invited to New York, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and The Netherlands. His work also featured at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts collection.
